Friday, May 13, 2011

12 Life Lessons for the Grandson of an African American Baby Boomer

Professor Devin Robinson wrote a blog post where he lists 12 things he believes black men must do and be in their lifetime. I chose to post four things from his awesome list because it is my sincere hope that my four-year-old grandson will take the subjects on this list to heart and be the kind of man he is currently being raised to be.

12 Things a Black Man Must Do or Be in His Lifetime

4. Be compassionate towards women – Girls examine the relationship men have towards women. If that relationship is disrespectful and unhealthy, girls will grow up accepting this treatment and boys will expect these habits to be becoming of them when they become adults.

5. Seek knowledge – The worst thing a man can ever do is stop growing. Knowledge is the cornerstone to liberation and without it the Black population is doomed to repeat our past.

6. Teach others – Sharing wisdom is an important contribution towards reshaping the minds of the Black population. Remaining objective and approachable is also a “teaching” technique. You teach others how to learn when you set the example.

7. Have a strong spiritual foundation – Narcissism is a harmful psychological toxin. It makes us believe that we are the master of our destiny. Understanding that our purpose is already written and encourage others to understand this will make the Black body more mindful of our frivolous acts and necessary virtue.

*If you click on the "12 Things....." it will take you to the complete list.

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