Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Your First Job

Viewers of WFAA-TV in Dallas got a real treat today when they got to see the Queen of Daytime TV on their TV screen. Oprah co-anchored the 5pm news. This was all a part of her "Celebrities Go Back to their First Jobs" segment.

Actually, being a TV anchor wasn't Oprah's first job. According to her website,her first job was really in Nashville where she worked at the corner grocery store next to her father's barber shop. I guess the grocery store isn't there anymore.

It got me to thinking about my very first job. It was for a marketing company who sent out advertising mailers to residents. I was hired to "stuff" envelopes. I think I made about $3.00 an hour--which was a pretty big deal for a high school students in 1974.

My first job out of college was at WCIR Radio in Beckley, West VA. It was also my first experience with racism. To make a long story short, the sheriff at the time refused to give me information on a story I was covering and told me, quote, "I don't have to tell you nothin' little Missy. I think you might be in the wrong job. Your kind don't belong here."

I complained to my boss about the sheriff's behavior and the next thing I knew I was fired. I did have the last word in the matter. I sued the station for discrimination through the EEOC (which was actually effective back then) and WON! I got a decent little settlement and moved on.

So what was your first job?

Passing the Torch from Baby Boomers to Millennials to Gen Z

Whether baby boomers can accept it or not, a changing of the guard has taken place with  millennials and the up and coming Gen Z generations...