Monday, January 14, 2019

I'm Done with the New Year's Resolutions

Did you make any New Year's resolutions for 2019?  As long as I can remember, I created a list of habits and behaviors I vowed to change in the coming year.  I always started out strong but a month or two in, I was back to my old ways.

According to Business Insider, about 80 percent of people fail to stick to their New Year's resolutions for longer than six weeks. Initially, we get excited about what we can accomplish in the next 365 days but then life's challenges and distractions get in the way and we start taking detours and ultimately become discouraged until we get to the end of the next year, ready to set those resolutions all over again.  If I lost every pound I vowed to lose over the past 30 years, I'd be the most awesome looking 61-year-old woman you'd ever seen (next to Jada Pinkett Smith's mother).  Let's just say the money I've given to various fitness centers far exceeds my participation (although I have gotten slightly better lately).

This year I've decided to say NO to setting goals for the new year---goals that have a "time stamp" and ones I know I probably won't accomplish.  As a woman over 60 I have decided to take a slightly different approach.  Instead of making a bunch of resolutions, I am vowing to live each day to its fullest.  Here's my plan.  Maybe some of it can work for you:

1)  Live with PASSION daily:  When I open my eyes each morning, I will be thankful to my Creator for another day.  I will meditate/pray and read scripture to put me in the right frame of mind to get my day started.  Each day is another day to make a difference and I will always be excited and thankful for that.

2)  Be an Encourager:  I will look for opportunities to encourage someone else.  Sometimes all it takes is a kind word to a stranger.

3)  Be authentic:  Most people who know me will tell you that I always try to keep it real.  I want to make sure my actions and words always line up with my beliefs and values.  Besides, trying to be something you're not will eventually catch up with you.

4)   Stand for what is right:  People are always telling you to stand up for what you believe in but I don't agree with that.  Neo-Nazi's stand up for white supremacy because that's what they BELIEVE in but that doesn't make it right.  If you stand up for what is RIGHT, you may find yourself going against your "beliefs" but I'd rather stand on the right side of justice and civility than to be a fool for my beliefs.

5)  Say NO more often:  I used to be one of those people who had to have a ton of speaking engagements, be on every committee, and involved in every project because it felt good to have my name "attached" to it.  It made me feel important.  But what I discovered was my involvement and input would sometimes be mediocre.  I also wanted to appear to be busy so when people asked me what was going on in my life I could point out that I was involved in x-y-z but that only resulted in stress and burnout.  I am now going to be very selective in what I sign up for.  It is OK to say no if you can't fit it into your schedule.

6)  Love out loud:  We all know we should tell the people we love that we love them.  But what we know is not always reflected in what we do.  This not only applies to my family but to my friends as well.  I will never hang up a phone call with a friend without telling them I love them.

7)  Read more:  I actually started this in 2018 and will just continue in 2019.  I read As a Man Thinketh four times last year and each time I had a new "ah-ha" moment.  So far this year I am reading Becoming by Michelle Obama and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra.  I want to read books that inspire me, as well as make me laugh.

8) Re-connect to myself:  In 2018, I dealt with some serious health challenges.  It was a long road back but I know those challenges can re-surface if I don't take care of myself daily.  In addition to my daily meditation and prayer, I will continue to journal.  As a matter of fact I've been journaling off and on since Maya Angelou suggested I do it doing an interview I had with her back in 1981.  Journaling allows me to get in touch with my real emotions.  I believe the more you write, the more what matters to you most will evolve.  It's one of the best ways to reconnect with your soul.

So there you have it.  That's my plan as I continue though my journey called life.  Do you have a plan?

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