Thursday, January 03, 2008

Can an African American Baby Boomer be President?

I have to admit that I haven’t been paying too much attention to the Presidential campaign. After spending more than 25 years in the news business, I'm just sick and tired of hearing how the media tries to sways public opinion. The “white shirts” will deny it but it is so evident by the way they choose to cover the candidates.

Prior to the Iowa Caucasus, Obama wasn’t given a chance to win. Why? Because the media said he wouldn’t. How did they know that? They claimed they took sample polls and everyone they talked to chose another candidate over the African-American baby boomer.

Well, once again the media got it wrong. In a state that's more than 95 percent caucasian, the African-American baby boomer presidential candidate proved that some people can see beyond race and listen to a message of change. The media wants to tell us what's important.

That's why I’m so glad I’m no longer a part of the so-called “establishment.”

Passing the Torch from Baby Boomers to Millennials to Gen Z

Whether baby boomers can accept it or not, a changing of the guard has taken place with  millennials and the up and coming Gen Z generations...