Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Have You Made Your Stop Doing List?

Not long after I wrote the previous post, (New Year Old Ways), a fellow blogger commented that she wasn't so much into making a New Year's Resolutions List. She, instead, needed to create a Stop Doing List. Laura believes we can benefit greatly "when we choose to cut things from our lives that no longer serve us."

Yes this makes total sense so here's my STOP DOING LIST for 2011:

1) STOP believing the hype people try to push on me when it comes to their business.

2) STOP associating with people who try to build themselves up by tearing me down.

3) STOP self-doubting my gifts and expertise.

4) STOP believing that everyone has my best interests at heart--because the truth is, some of them don't and will add gasoline to a fire at every opportunity.

5) STOP focusing from the outside-in. The Word says "Let your light shine before men" and that can only come from the inside-out.

6) STOP taking on more projects than I can reasonably handle at one time.

7) STOP being envious and jealous. OK---I know I'm not alone on this one but perhaps I'm the only one who will admit it.

8) STOP spending so much time on the computer. Now, that's a true challenge.

9) STOP ignoring my doctor's orders--that's especially important if I want to live a long time.

10) STOP pushing my daughter to finish college in four years. What's important is that she finishes.

11) STOP pushing my grandson to be smarter than he is. It's one thing to teach him to develop learning skills--but another to give him a nervous breakdown if he can't read, write, spell and do math at the age of four.

12)STOP and exhale when necessary.

What do you need to stop doing in 2011?


firstSTREET said...

Interesting take on new year's reflections. Usually people are making to do lists, but I think you have a great idea here for making "to not do" lists. Sometimes our lives are just busy that extraneous stressors might pop up, and it is important to expel them or otherwise suffer unnecessary stress. It sounds like you have a busy and exciting life, good luck in the new year!

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Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

Wonderful idea. My number one thing to stop doing is to Stop trying to rescue every person in every bad situation I encounter. I'm a boomer too and I am only now learning I cannot save the world. Thanks for the reminder. Happy New Year!

Shallie M. Bey, Jr said...

Bev, this is an outstanding post. Like your friend, I am not a big fan of New Year resolutions. For the past couple years I have focused on things I want get done by New Years Day, primarily in the last 100 days of the year. This is an idea proposed by The Goals Guy.

However I think I like your idea even better.


Shallie Bey
Smarter Small Business Blog

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