Saturday, April 28, 2018

A New Survey Says Millennials Blame Baby Boomers for Their Troubles and They Should

OK--I've got a new survey to report to you---this one courtesy of Axios and Survey Monkey.

Millennials say baby boomers are to blame for ruining their lives and guess what?  I happen to agree with them despite the fact that I am a member of the baby boomer generation.  

Fifty-one percent of millennials say boomers have made things worst for their generation.  Not only are they in debt from student loans but they also inherited two wars and they face an uncertain job future with speculation that artificial intelligence may replace some jobs they would vie for in their future.  

Baby boomers, on the other hand, don't appear to be trying to leave the job market anytime soon unless they're FORCED out so with retirement age being as late as age 70, boomers can still be collecting a nice paycheck right up until the end.  

No doubt about it, the boomer generation has been a greedy generation.  They have controlled Congress and and been the CEO's of the major corporations in America.  According to Linette Lopez, a millennial, "The baby boomers who have controlled this country since the 1980's are selfish, entitled generation.  Instead of spending money on education our government has repeatedly chosen to cut taxes for the wealthy."  

And if that's not enough, a survey of millionaire baby boomers (of which I was NOT included), more than 50 percent said they had no plans to leave an inheritance to their children. One woman was quoted as saying she had made a lot of sacrifices for her children over the years, including paying her daughter's medical tuition.  According to this survey, conducted by U.S. Trust, some wealthy boomers worry that their kids will squander their inheritance money or develop a sense of entitlement.  


Millennials did offer some suggestions on how to improve things for their future.  One being to remove all old government officials and set term limits for the House and Senate representatives (I LOVE that idea!).  

A number of them said IMPEACH TRUMP and then make sure you get out and vote. 

To learn more about the Bay Boomer/Millennial Divide, you can get a copy of my book on Amazon.  I wrote this BEFORE this survey came out.

Axios/SurveyMonkey online poll was conducted April 9-13 among 4,638 adults in the United States. The modeled error estimate is 2 percentage points. Data have been weighted for age, race, sex, education, and geography using the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey to reflect the demographic composition of the United States age 18 and over.


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