Monday, April 21, 2008

Baby Boomer Girlfriend's Spring Break

If you weren't there, no words will truly describe the emotional impact of attending the First Annual Girlfriend's Spring Break in Daytona Beach.

Let me just say this: My purpose was to Educate, Entertain and Empower women throughout the weekend. As opposed to me explaining it, why don't you read what one of the attendees had to say:

Hi Sisters!

I don't even know where to begin to describe this weekend to you. No words can explain what was experienced by each of us. From the moment that Beverly and I met at the airport until the tears and the final goodbyes this morning, the love for each other and the love of God permeated the atmosphere among the sisters.

I have no question in my mind that we are all truly Divinely Inspired, Vivacious, and Anointed. All of you who couldn't come were continually in thought and very much a part of us here.

I've been to many women's retreats in the past, but nothing that could ever rival this one. Each and every lady is beautiful in mind, body, and spirit. There was never an awkward moment when meeting anyone. It was more like a reunion of old friends. It was exciting as each woman appeared.

We laughed, cried, played, and prayed together. I enjoyed getting to talk with each one on a one-to-one basis. I felt a connection with each and every one of them.

Friday started with a briefing prior to leaving for the TV station. We loaded up on the van and headed for the station. If that driver only knew what precious cargo he had on that van! The taping went well. Beverly had put together a very distinguished panel of experts on women's issues. A few of us got to comment or ask questions. Bev was the consummate professional as she moderated the panel.

Saturday morning breakfast was fab! There weren't that many people here, so with all the options for seminars, we were spread a little thin, but the quality was certainly there. Rhea Becker, Debra Shively Welch, and Kathryn Little and I did a little Zumba workout outside, after which Growing Bolder interviewed us.

Bern Nadette Stanis came in a day late, because she had gotten food poisoning. She is a beautiful lady! She shared with us the importance of not wasting our precious time. She was definitely one of us and she had a great time at the P.J. party last night.

I can't wait for you to hear Jennifer Evans sing! Can that girl wail! She brought us to our feet and tears to our eyes. I hope that Bev got her on video, but if not...I did. When I get back home, I will download my video clips so that you can see them.

The dinner and pageant on Sat. night was so much fun! The comedian was hilarious. I laughed until my sides hurt and I thought the corners of my lips were going to split open. When Silky Waters took the stage, it was evident that this DIVA had stage experience. What a voice! I could have listened to her all night long. She is a character...and does this lady ever know how to dress!

The DIVA pageant was so fun! Each Diva strutted her stuff on the stage. Each with her own dignity, grace, and personality. It was informal and so much fun! I took pictures of each one as they took the stage.

A definite highlight of the event was the pajama party. I haven't had that much fun in I don't know when. Our inhibitions were left at the door and we danced our feet off. I'm telling you, these girls had some moves!

We found out it didn't take long to spend the night at the Hilton last night, because there wasn't much time between 2:30 am and 7:15 this morning.

Following breakfast on Sunday, we heard a stirring testimony from the very gorgeous and sweet Jo Kelly. What a sweetheart she is!

Jennifer graced us with more inspirational music and gave us all an autographed CD.

The pinnacle of the weekend was the one and only Rev. Ora. This is a woman who has the gift of the spoken word. I cried throughout her message to us of our place in Christ. At the end of her sermon, she recited her Divinely Framed poem. She had us to say aloud each letter of the ABCs. With each letter, she spoke a word of empowerment. She had a specific word from the Father for Kathryn. She ministered directly into her eyes and several of us gathered around and prayed for her.

Ladies...we had church this morning! The presence of the Holy Spirit was palpable. How awesome is His name above all others. Shirley Mitchell spoke truth when she said that she could see flames of holy fire coming from Ora. Shirley did the concluding comments and prayed a beautiful prayer. She is a beautiful lady, too.

In a nutshell ladies, be ready...because this group is going to grow in strength and numbers. We have much to accomplish. Please, please, please, begin today by setting aside a few dollars each week toward next year's retreat. You do not want to miss it!

To all of you who didn't get to come, you were missed.
To all of you who were here, you are missed.

Love to all of my sisters,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for including Pam's rundown on the event,it told us so much!

For those of us who were unable to attend,our thoughts never left you. I said it before you left, and I say it again...this will be one glorious women's event that will go down in history as remarkable! It will also be talked about for years to follow...well done to each diva, you make us so very very proud!

Welcome back sisters, the 'divahood' has truly missed you! :)

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