Saturday, November 15, 2008

The New First Grandma is Going to the White House

There's a report out on the Politico website that the White House might be getting its first "First Grandma."

According to the article, 71-year-old Marian Anderson, mother of First lady Michelle Obama and mother-in-law of President-Elect Barack Obama, will be moving to the Nation's Capital to offer some much needed assistance to the family.

Throughout the past two years, it was Grandma Marian who made sure the Obamas' daughters, Malia and Sasha, were well taken care of while mom and dad were on the campaign trail. She was quoted in the Boston Globe saying, “If somebody's going to be with these kids other than their parents, it better be me."

The First Grandma is just doing what any grandmother who wants the best for her family would do. I applaud Marian "Grandma Diva" Anderson for playing such an important role in her grandchildren's lives.

Certainly she doesn't need any tips from me--but hopefully Michelle will let her read the book I gave her, Whatever! A Baby Boomer's Journey Into Middle Age, so she can have a laugh or two during the "trying" times.

One thing for sure, when my grandson becomes President--I'll be right there with him. But I'll be serving in a different role. I think I'll be his Chief of Staff.


Kathie Thomas said...

I'm getting close to the grandma stage, so my daughter tells me. I expect I would want to make sure my grandkids are getting proper care too. I'll find out one day in the not too distant future!

Anonymous said...

Did you really give Michelle your book Beverly? That's neat!

I heard that report about her Grandmother coming to live with her and thought that just sounded great!

I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of changes come about in the months to come.

Hugs, Claudia

Anonymous said...


Yes, I did give her a copy of my book--as well as a T-shirt with my grandson wearing the Obama hat you see in the picture. Being a former member of the media still has its privileges! :)

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