Sunday, May 29, 2016

Summer Driving May Be Hazardous to your Wallet

With our 10 year wedding anniversary coming up, Nate and I decided we wanted to take another trip to the North Carolina mountains.  It's one of those long drives I don't mind taking because you get to explore the natural beauty of the State.

What I do mind, however, is the state's mandated gasoline excise tax which ranks in the top 10 of the highest in the country.  Perhaps gas prices wouldn't be as high if it weren't for the excise tax, which combines both state and federal.

Here is a list of the top 10 states with the highest federal and state gasoline excise taxes:

1)  Pennsylvania at 68.7/gal
2)  Washington at 62.9/gal
3)  NY at 60.72/gal
4)  Hawaii at 60.39/gal
5)  California at 58.83/gal
6)  Connecticut at 56.26/gal
7)  Florida at 54.98
8)  North Carolina at 53.65/gal
9)  Rhode Island at 52.40
10  Nevada at 52.25

I have a couple of tips for saving on gas:

1)  If you're traveling long distances, use cruise control so you're not always having to accelerate on the gas pedal.
2)  Use your overdrive.  It allows you to operate at fewer RPM's.  If it does less work, you'll use less gas. (Hubby taught me that one).

Popular Mechanics offers 6 Driving Tactics to help you save gas and money during your summer travels:  Summer Driving Saving Tips

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