Thursday, June 26, 2008

Do Not Try This on the Road

"Expect the best but be prepared for the worst." It's a statement my parents reminded me to be conscious of as I moved into adulthood. So you would think at 51-years-old that message would've sunk in by now.

OK, here's the story: I knew I had to co-host a show on WBO Radio on Wednesday. At the last minute, my daughter decided to schedule an interview 20 miles away. I had the option of letting her drive herself or taking her in hopes of making it back home in time for the show. I chose option B because I just haven't gotten to the point where I trust my 18-year-old enough to drive long distances---especially out of town and to a location she had to mapquest.

When she got to the interview, we learned it would take about 90 minutes--which meant I would have to conduct the interview with the guest over my cell phone. No problem. I had my cell phone. Oh, but there was one problem. The cell phone had one cell left and as soon as I got on the call, I kept getting signals that the battery was dying. And then it DIED. I left interview guest Dr. Sally Witt hanging in the balance. Fortunately, the primary host, Anna Campbell of WBO, was there to pick up where I left off.


1) Learn to be more trusting of my teenage daughter.

2) Don't drive your 18-year-old to a job interview--let her figure out her own directions.

3) Hot flashes & heat DON'T mix!

4) Keep my cell phone charged at all times

5) Keep a charger in the car that WORKS!


Anonymous said...

Beverly is an amazing host!!! We are so grateful to have her with us at WBO!!!

It was fun having her on the show and I look forward to co-hosting with her many, many more times in the future!!

Anna Campbell

Thomases said...

We do have to trust our kids of being capable of getting places - especially when they're legally classed as an adult - or are they in your country? Here in Oz they are.

Anonymous said...

Thank God for cell phones, but this is a lesson for all of us in how we've come to rely on them!

I always keep a charged spare battery with me, as well as a car charger, because I've been in situations like that too! Why is it then when we desperately need our cell phone that is when the battery chooses to poop out???

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